<![CDATA[WELCOME TO SLEEP THROUGH SNORING - Blog]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 15:05:26 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Snoring - The Ultimate Deal Breaker- Don't Let Snoring Ruin Your Relationship]]>Sat, 16 Dec 2023 21:40:45 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/snoring-the-ultimate-deal-breaker-dont-let-snoring-ruin-your-relationship
<![CDATA[How To Snore Proof Your Relationship]]>Sun, 10 Dec 2023 01:45:09 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-to-snore-proof-your-relationship
<![CDATA[Learn The Secret To Sleeping Through Snoring Today.]]>Sat, 02 Dec 2023 02:37:31 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/learn-the-secret-to-sleeping-through-snoring-today
<![CDATA[How To Sleep Like A Baby With A Snoring Partner]]>Sat, 02 Dec 2023 02:33:43 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-to-sleep-like-a-baby-with-a-snoring-partner
<![CDATA[How Snoring Ruined My Life]]>Sat, 02 Dec 2023 01:40:34 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-snoring-ruined-my-life
<![CDATA[Are You Suffering From A Sleeping Partner]]>Fri, 24 Nov 2023 23:53:23 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/are-you-suffering-from-a-sleeping-partner
<![CDATA[Put An End To Sleepless Nights Due To Someone Snoring]]>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 23:24:43 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/put-an-end-to-sleepless-nights-due-to-someone-snoring
<![CDATA[How To Block Out That Snoring Sound]]>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 23:12:18 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-to-block-out-that-snoring-sound
<![CDATA[Do You Suffer From A Snoring Partner?]]>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 22:54:47 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/do-you-suffer-from-a-snoring-partner
<![CDATA[How Much Sleep Do I Actually Need?]]>Sat, 26 Sep 2020 05:57:56 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-much-sleep-do-i-need

How many hours sleep do I need to stay healthy?

A lack of sleep is a real epidemic in the world today, but people are oblivious to it & in most part brush it off.

But a lack of sleep can affect is mentally & physically.

As a guide we should be getting the following amount of sleep to remain healthy.

A newborn baby to the age of 2 months should be having between 12 & 18 hours sleep.

A  3 month to 11-month infant should be getting between 14 & 15hours sleep.

A  1 year old to 3-year-old toddler should be getting 12 – 14 hours sleep.

A  3 – 5-year-old pre-schooler should be getting 11 – 13 hours of sleep.

A  5-10-year-old child should be getting 10 – 11 hours of sleep.

Teenagers between 11 & 17 years old should be getting 8.5 – 9.5 hours of sleep.
If your teenager is anything like mine,they sleep a lot more than that.

An adult should be getting 7 -9 hours of sleep.

I know from experience, that I don’t know very many adults
that get that amount of sleep.

If you’re not getting enough sleep it has serious
medical problems down the track.

You may dodge the problems for a while, but it’s if you’re going to
get these problems, but when.

If you are having sleeping problems then let me help, with a drug free method that gives instant results, in the comfort & privacy of your own home via Skype.

Please click on the link for more details
For more details.

Or visit us at:

<![CDATA[Using Sleeping Medication So I Can Sleep Through Snoring]]>Tue, 22 Sep 2020 10:09:43 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/using-sleeping-medication-so-i-can-sleep-through-snoring
Is sleeping medication the best way to sleep through snoring?

From my experience & from what I have heard from my clients, the answer is NO.

Our minds or bodies get used to medications & sleeping medication is no exception.

After a while the sleeping medication will no longer work for you.

So, most people go to the doctor to get a stronger sleeping medication.

Then they find the higher dosage doesn’t work after a while.

Soon you find your stronger sleeping medication becomes so strong, you struggle to wake up in the morning.

You find it difficult to function in the morning & most likely
for the first half of the day.

To be honest your sleep for the night is most likely not very good either.

You’ll struggle to get a good deep refreshing sleep.

I think we have all heard of celebrities that have over dosed on sleeping medication.

It’s not always suicide, it’s sometimes they are struggling to sleep & get higher &
higher dosses of sleeping medication, then their body can no longer
handle it & they pass away.

So no I don’t think sleeping medication is good for you.

But sleep through snoring.com has a better solution.

I’m a sleep therapist that offers.
100% drug free treatment
100% natural therapy

Has absolutely no side affects

Also gets instant results, no more waiting for medication to get into your system.

It’s also done in the comfort & privacy of your own home via Skype.

It doesn’t get any better & easier than that.

Don’t get on the sleeping medication merry go round.

Book an appointment today & get your sleep back on track
<![CDATA[My Partner Won't Do Anything About Their Snoring.]]>Sat, 19 Sep 2020 22:17:13 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/my-partner-wont-do-anything-about-their-snoring

Help Me

My Partner Won’t Do Anything About
their snoring, & I can’t sleep.

The sound of a loud snorer has to be one of the most annoying sounds when
you are trying to sleep.

Believe me I know; my wife is an extremely loud snorer.

Yes, some of us males do get kept awake from the opposite sex.

I am also a sleep therapist & get to here on a daily basis, how people struggle
to get any sleep, when their partner snores.

It’s all good if their partner accepts the fact that their snoring is affecting
someone else’s sleep & is prepared & willing to do something to stop their snoring.

What makes it even more difficult is when the snorer refuses to make any
effort to stop their snoring.

Bringing up the topic of their snoring, most of the time becomes a touchy subject & leads to arguments.

Now there is friction in the relationship, your tired, cranky & fed up.

So, what do you do now?

I tried lots of remedies that didn’t work for me.

I tried the old wife’s tales & they didn’t work.

I tried the ear plugs & earphones & had trouble keeping them in your ears or
getting choked by the leads.

 If you’re like me & have already tried sleeping medication, with no luck or
want to go the natural sleep therapy.

And now you’re still struggling to sleep & you’re at your wits end.

What now?

Well that’s where I come in.

I can help you ignore the snore so you can sleep more.


I can help you sleep through anyone’s snoring so you can finally get a
good night’s sleep.

My sleep therapy is:
100% drug free
100% natural

Has absolutely no side affects

Is done in the comfort & privacy of your own home via Skype.

It doesn’t get any better & easier than that.

So, book an appointment today & get your sleep back on track & get your
relationship back on track as well.

<![CDATA[How To Stop Someone Snoring]]>Thu, 10 Sep 2020 07:04:03 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/how-to-stop-someone-snoringHow To Stop Someone From Snoring?

The age old question.

How do I stop someone from snoring?

The poor old partner of a snorer has been kept awake from that annoying snoring sound since the beginning of time.

It has been driving people absolutely crazy.

My wife snores like an absolute jackhammer night after night.

I have tried buying my wife not 1 but 3 different snoring pillows with no luck.

I tried going to bed before my wife only to wake up with her in full swing
snoring her head off & waking me up.

Then trying to get back to sleep was a nightmare.

I bought myself some ear plugs, but they kept on falling out during the night, then I couldn’t find them until the next morning.

But I found even with the earplugs in I could still hear the snoring.

Putting my earphone in & trying to listen to music was also a challenge.

I either strangled my self with the cord, or the earphone fell out during the night.

When I could manage to keep the earphones in my ears, I would have to
have the music up fairly loud to drown out the snoring.

It’s not the best to try & get some sleep with music loudly in your ears.

To be honest, if you have a partner that really isn’t willing to make an effort to
help stop their snoring you are really going to struggle.

Lets face it.

It takes to people to work together to make something work.

You can’t do it all on your own.

I’m a sleep therapist & I’ve heard it all, the frustration, the anger & people
that are at their wits end.

The people I see in my sleep therapy appointments sometimes say they can’t even
bring up the topic of their partners snoring without it becoming an argument.

No one wants to live like that.

People say that sleeping in separate rooms is the only answer that works for them.

But what I’ve seen so many times is that sleeping in separate rooms leads to a big reduction of intimacy in a relationship.

No couple can honestly say that sleeping in separate rooms doesn’t negatively affect their intimacy in their relationship.

Lets just think back when a couple first met & see how close they were.

Now look at where they are now?

How close are you to your partner now?

Some people have grown so far apart it’s like they have totally separate lives,
interests, activities & maybe even friends.

Is that you?

I’m sure that’s not what you wanted or intended your lives to be together, is it?

I found the perfect answer to my sleepless nights due to
my wife’s snoring.

Not only did I find the answer but also, I made my business around helping snoring sufferers like me to get a good-nights sleep.

The business is sleepthroughsnoring.com.

Helping you to ignore the snore so you can sleep more.

You will sleep straight through all of that snoring & get a great nights sleep.

But I like natural therapies.

A therapy that offers the following:

 A 100% drug free therapy that is totally natural & has absolutely no side affects.

You will also feel the difference straight after your session.

No delays or side affects like you can get after taking medications.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Sleep therapy sessions are done in the comfort & privacy of your own home
via Skype, in a time that is convenient to you.

How good is that?

Sleep through snoring is dedicated to sleeping issues & also offers the following sleep topics.

Sleeping through your partners snoring
Restless leg syndrome
Sleep anxiety
Sleep walking
Adult bed wetting

I’ve been helping people for over 10 years get the best nights sleep they’ve had in what feels like an eternity.

So if you have had enough of sleepless nights & sick of buying & using useless snoring gizmos then make a booking at sleepthroughsnoring.com today.

<![CDATA[Sleep Therapy]]>Wed, 09 Sep 2020 07:55:17 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/sleep-therapySleep Therapy

Finding a sleep therapist can be a daunting task.

Who do I see?

Where do I go?

When do I have time to see a therapist?

Sleep therapy has never been so easy & convenient as it is
now with SleepThroughSnoring.com.

Our busy lifestyles put great pressures on us & getting to appointments
can be a real struggle.

But not anymore.

Sleep through snoring.com now offers sleep therapy via Skype.

So now your appointments are right there in the privacy & comfort of
your very own home.

It doesn’t get any better than that does it?

No more getting stuck in traffic.

No more rushing around with your busy schedule trying to get to your
appointment on time.

Jeff at Sleep Through Snoring has been helping people with their sleeping problems
for over 10 years, helping people with a wide variety of sleeping issues.

These include topics like:

Sleeping through your partners snoring
Restless leg syndrome
Sleep anxiety
Sleep walking
Adult bed wetting
And more.

Sleep through snoring .com is dedicated to help people get a better nights sleep
using a total natural approach.

A 100% drug free therapy that is totally natural & has absolutely no side affects.

You will feel the difference straight after your session.

No delays like you get taking medications.

No side affects like taking medication either.

So if you are at your wits end & just want something that works then visit
sleepthroughsnoring.com for more details.

<![CDATA[Sleep Therapist Near Me]]>Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:32:38 GMThttps://sleepthroughsnoring.com/blog/sleep-therapist-near-me

If your looking for a sleep therapist near you, then I have
the perfect answer for you.

All my sessions are run via Skype, so now your appointments are even more convenient.

All sessions are run right there in the comfort & privacy
of your very own home

Sleep therapy has never been so easy.

What could be better than that?

Well what if I told you that all sessions are also 100% drug free & completely
natural, & have absolutely no side affects?

So if you want something that works straight away & is totally natural, then
let me help you through your sleeping issues.

I’ve been helping people for nearly 10 years now with many sleeping issues
they are suffering from.

Sleeping through their partners snoring
Restless leg syndrome
Sleep anxiety
Sleep walking
Adult bed wetting

I am a dedicated sleep therapist & my practice is solely dedicated to helping
people with sleeping issues.

A lack of sleep is a real epidemic in the world at the moment & people
are really struggling.

But it doesn’t have to be that way any longer.

I also used to suffer from a variety of sleeping issues, before I found the
answers to all of my problems.

It was a long & drawn out journey & one that most of you are unfortunately probably suffering from as well, at the moment if you are reading this blog post.

Just remember your not alone & there is help available.

You don’t have to suffer in silence any longer.
Make an appointment today & get rid of your sleeping issues.

It’s time to break free & get your life back.

A life where you don’t constantly feel tired, worn out or exhausted all day everyday.

Make an appointment using our online booking system & meet up with
your online sleep therapist near you today.